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SS2011 Lifestyle, Fitness & Wellness

Blended Learning

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Lessons 1-2
  1. Module introduction
  2. Lifestyle
  3. Wellness and hypokinetic diseases
  • Progress Assessment lessons 1-2
   Lessons 3-4 Stress
  • Definitions, acute & chronic responses to stress, types of stress
  • Stress management techniques
  • Progress Assessment lessons 3-4
   Lessons 5-7 Blood Pressure
  • Definitions, systolic/diastolic, BP measurement
  • Factors that influence BP, hypertension, causes, risk factors
  • Controlling hypertension, exercise recommendations
  • Common medications
  • Progress Assessment lessons 5-7
Lessons 8-10 Cardiovascular Disease
  • Statistics, definitions, arteriosclerosis, angina, myocardial infarction, stroke, risk factors
  • Cholesterol and heart disease, hyperlipdemia & exercise guidelines
  • Effects of common medications when exercising
  • Progress Assessment lessons 8-10
Lessons 11-13 Exercise Adherence and motivation
  • Characteristics of adherers and non-adherers
  • Transtheoretical model of behaviour change
  • Strategies for encouraging exercise adherence
  • Progress Assessment lessons 11-13
Lessons 14-17 Exercise during Pregnancy
  • Screening the pregnant client, contraindications to exercise, pre-class advice. Benefits of exercise
  • Physiological changes that occur during pregnancy and their exercise implications
  • Exercise recommendations during 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimester, contra-indicated exercises, and ACOG conclusions and recommendations
  • Exercise Postpartum, benefits, resuming, recommendations
  • Progress Assessment lessons 14-17
Lesson 12
  • The respiratory system
  • Structure of the lungs, gaseous exchange, breathing mechanism
Lessons 18-20 Back Care
  • Structure & function of the spine
  • Backache risk factors, causes of back pain
  • Recommendations for prevention of back pain, exercise guidelines and contra indicated exercises
  • Progress Assessment lessons 18-20
Lessons 21-23 Exercise and the older adult
  • Statistics, barriers to and reasons for participation
  • Screening and medical conditions associated with older adults
  • Physiological changes that occur with ageing
  • Benefits of physical activity and exercise guidelines for older adults
  • Progress Assessment Lessons 21-23
Lesson 24 & 25 Osteoporosis
  • Definitions, type 1 & 2, bone remodeling, stages of osteoporosis
  • Risk factors, influences of nutrition, estrogen deficiency
  • Exercise guidelines, osteopenia and osteoporosis
  • Contraindications when exercising
  • Progress Assessment lessons 24-25
Lessons 26 & 27 Diabetes
  • Overview & statistics, types 1 & 2, hypo and hyper glycaemia
  • Screening, benefits of exercise & exercise recommendations
  • Effects of medications and contra-indicated exercises
  • Progress Assessment lessons 26-27
Lesson 28 Asthma & exercise
  • Asthma- definitions, causes and triggers
  • Exercise guidelines
Lesson 29 Exercise post cancer & multiple chronic diseases
  • Exercise guidelines for individuals recovering from cancer
  • Benefits of exercise during recovery
  • Aerobic and resistance exercise guidelines
  • Exercise guidelines for individuals with Multiple Chronic diseases
  • Progress Assessment lessons 28 & 29
Lessons 30-32 Nutrition
  • Definition, Food groups, Food Pyramid, recommended servings
  • Nutrients – carbohydrate, protein, fats, vitamins and minerals, fibre, water - sources, functions and RDAs. General dietary guidelines and benefits of healthy eatin
  • Interpreting food labels
  • Low GI diet, benefits and foods
  • Progress Assessment lessons 30-32
Lessons 33-35 Body composition
  • Components of body weight. Determining body composition
  • Types of Obesity, hazards associated with obesity
  • Terms, calories, metabolism, BMR, TEF, factors effecting BMR
  • Behaviour modification, weight loss guidelines, myths and fallacies
  • Exercise programming for weight loss
  • Progress Assessment lessons 33-35
Lessons 36-38 Eating Disorders
  • Definitions, overview, Anorexia Nervosa, characteristics, signs and symptoms, possible health consequences
  • Bulimia nervosa and Binge eating disorder – characteristics, signs and symptoms, health consequences
  • Exercise anorexia – characteristics, health consequences. Treatment of disordered eating. Advice for HFI
  • Progress Assessment lessons 36-38
Lessons 39-40 Inclusive physical activity
  • Statistics, overview, barriers to participation, main disability populations
  • Interaction/communication with people with disabilities – wheelchair user, visual impairment, hearing impairment, intellectual impairment
  • Adapting activities to include people with disabilities . adaptation variables – time, environment, equipment.
  • Progress Assessment lessons 39-40
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