Year 4 BSc in Exercise & Health Fitness
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MG4067 Management
Lesson 1: Module outline, assessments, definitions and functions and layers of management
Lesson 2: Theories of management, various approaches, key figures in management theory
Lesson 3: The business environment, political legal, technology, SWOT Analysis
Lesson 4: Planning, definitions, planning types
Lesson 5: Strategic planning, Tactical planning, operational planning, dimensions and hierarchy of plans
Lesson 6: Corporate Planning Process, strategy, tactics, implementation and contingency planning
Lesson 7: Decision making, managerial decisions, risk and uncertainty
Lesson 8: Stages of decision making, problem identification, identification of alternatives, evaluation of alternatives
Lesson 9: Decision making, conflict, approaches, concept of rationality, rational model
Lesson 10: Staffing Part 1: Main activity areas, manpower planning, demand analysis, supply analysis
Lesson 11: Staffing Part 2: Pay and benefits, reward satisfaction, payment systems, performance appraisal
Lesson 12: Staffing Part 3
Lesson 13: Leadership
Lesson 14: Leadership approaches
Lesson 15: Leadership trends
Lesson 16: Organising span of control
Lesson 17: Part 2 Organising hierarchy
Lesson 18: Motivation
Lesson 19: Content theories
Lesson 20: Process theories
Lesson 21: Job satisfaction