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SS2001 Human Movement Studies

Blended Learning

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An outline of the aims and objectives of the module and assessment procedures
Module Induction and Assessments
The Skeletal System


Lessons 1-3
  1. Module introduction and bones of the skeleton
  2. Classification and structure of bone
  3. Structure and function of the spine
  • Progress Assessment lessons 1-3
   Lesson 4
  • Classification of joints, structure of a synovial joint
  • Factors effecting mobility of a joint
   Lesson 5
  • Joint actions and terminology
  • Progress Assessment lessons 4-5
The Muscular System
Lesson 6
  • Muscle types and characteristics
  • Muscle names
Lesson 7
  • Muscle origins and insertions
Lesson 8
  • Muscles responsible for joint actions
  • Progress Assessment lessons 6-8
Lesson 9
  • Muscle Structure
  • Sliding filament theory of muscle contraction
Lesson 10
  • Proprioceptors
  • Progress Assessment lessons 9-10
Lesson 11
  • Posture and posture conditions
  • Progress Assessment lesson 11
The Cardio-respiratory system
Lesson 12
  • The respiratory system
  • Structure of the lungs, gaseous exchange, breathing mechanism
Lesson 12
  • The respiratory system
  • Structure of the lungs, gaseous exchange, breathing mechanism
Lesson 13
  • The circulatory system 1
  • Terminology, overview, structure of the heart
Lesson 14
  • The circulatory system 2
  • Pathway of the blood, pulmonary and systemic circulation
  • The main arteries
  • Progress Assessment Lessons 12-14
The Energy systems
Lesson 15
  • Introduction to the Energy systems
  • Terminology and Anaerobic threshold
Lessons 16 &17
  • Characteristics of the energy systems
  • Muscle fibre types
  • Progress Assessment lessons 15-17
Lesson 18
  • Acute and chronic physiological responses to exercise
Lesson 19
  • High risk exercises and safer alternatives
  • Progress Assessment lessons 18-19
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