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Healthy Eating

Lifestyle Management Home

College Students in Classroom



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Aim & Learning Outcomes


To familiarise you with the benefits of healthy eating, the food pyramid and it's use as a guideline for healthy eating.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this section, you will be able to:

  1. Describe the various levels of the food pyramid

  2. Describe the characteristics of healthy eating

  3. Discuss the benefits of healthy eating

  4. Assist clients to compare their current eating habits to the recommendations of the food pyramid

  5. Discuss the compilation of a healthy eating min-plan
  6. ​Plan and prepare an informative and interesting 1 hour presentation on healthy eating for the general public using:

           Appropriate learning outcomes

    • A selection of suitable presentation methods

    • A suitable selection of supporting resources and materials

Lesson 1: The Food Pyramid, Benefits of healthy eating, Food Types, Dietary Requirements
Lesson 2: Fluid Intake, Salt Intake, Vitamin Supplementation, Alcohol limits, Dietary Guidelines
Lesson Assessment : Take a quick quiz to assess your
knowledge in this section before moving on
  1. Printable Study notes
  2. Sample Lesson Plan for your Healthy Eating presentation
  3. Notes for the PowerPoint presentation to assist you
  4. PowerPoint slides for your presentation to participants
  5. Notes on the PowerPoint slides to assist your presentation
  6. Healthy Eating Handout for participants
  7. Food Labels Exercise for Participants
  8. Mini Plan for Healthy Eating for Participants
Lesson 3: Interpreting food labels
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